Monday, April 6, 2015

Class activity 1- Loose furniture

How is everyone doing today? Well, for me I have a busy and happy day. Our class is having IDP  2 first presentation . Thank god the presentation went super well and I got very good feedback from my lecturers. Anyway, back to detailing and working drawings we are assigned into a group of 4 and sketch a selected furniture. We were given 15 minutes to do the sketching then we have to presentation after that.  So our group selected a desk. Ohh btw, we were tested after lecture is given.

Title block

 Observing the desk 

 Sketches to be presented 

While the group members were presenting their sketches we were actually helping each other to look out what is the mistake made so that we won't make the same mistake on the next sketches. Trying to be as perfect as possible. :)

A photo of 4 of us. Me, Vivian, Emily and Jocelyn

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