Monday, April 6, 2015


This is Suksian, a 21 years old girl who has been dreaming to be an outstanding interior architect since when I was young. I've been attending  years of experience is still not enough, however somehow it will still be able to help me in my course. Attending art classes since I was in primary 3 up to form 5 and I got a lot of achievements through out that 8 years. I've been participating in lots of different drawing competition, no matter its a minor or major  competition. Unfortunately I wont be able to show mt certificates here because all of them is in Brunei. I'm from Brunei, a country that is peaceful and harmony. It's been quite a long since I blog. The last time I blogged was in foundation, which is 2 years ago. If you read through previous my blog, which is, you will find out there are a lot of artworks that has been uploaded. Now, I am in Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Interior Architecture, Degree year 2, Semester 3. Yea, I know time flies, like super fast and next year we will have our internship. Anyways, back to our topic, for this Detailing and Working Drawings class we are asked to update our blog weekly as our e-portfolio. We have once a week for this class. We started our first class on the 25th March. So, what is needed for this class? Technical pens and a B5 sketch book only.

My family

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