Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Final Working Drawing

Hi guys!
Uploading my final project for detail and working drawing class. Here's the end of semester 3. Indeed a very stressful semester, but I managed to handle it ! Cheers to that! Also, I would like to thanks Ms. Norji and Ms. Rafidah from the bottom of my heart for the lectures and tutorials. I am really learning things from this subject.
Drawing 1- Key Plan
Drawing 2- Partially Setting Out Plan

 Drawing 3- Furniture Layout Plan

 Drawing 4- Reflected Ceiling Plan (RCP)

 Drawing 5- Section

 Drawing 6- Water Supply System

Drawing 7- Detail Drawing

Here's a happy photo of us submitting the drawings.


Observation detail drawing 10 (Wall)

Got compliment by Ms. Norji. Thanks Ms.! :)

Observation detail drawing 9 (Wall)

Observation detail drawing 8 (Ceiling)

Observation detail drawing 7 (Ceiling)

Observation detail drawing 6 (Wall)

Observation detail drawing 5 (Flooring)

Observation detail drawing 4 (Counter bar)

Observation detail drawing 3 (Table)

Observation detail drawing 2 (Chair)

Observation detail drawing 1 (Chair)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Post updated

Finally I have the time to update my blog! It's mid-sem break now. I apologized for not updating my blog for 2 weeks because my group members (Jocelyn, Vivian and Emily) and I were busy with the site analysis report and drawings for this subject. Our site is located at Plaza Damas, Sri Hartamas. We were divided into two groups; Jocelyn and I were doing the report, Vivian and Emily were doing the drawings. The reports consists of 4 informative chapters and 1 chapters is all about the drawings. The drawings consists of 2 floor plans, 2 sections, 2 elevations, 2 single line drawing, 2 reflected ceiling plans,and 2 electrical plans. Those drawing were drown manually and we got roughly 50 pages of report. In the end we bind our report and drawings together into one document file. We all manged to submit the report on time. For our next assignment we have to produce 20 sketches about the furniture, ceiling, wall and flooring details.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week 5 - Site Visit

For week 5 class we went to Sri Hartamas for site visit. We went by bus and the whole journey took about 1 hour to reach the destination. The site visit is not only for detailing and working drawings but also for IDP class, because in the end in IDP class we are going to design a cafe or restaurant in Sri Hartamas. We worked in a group and each group were given task to do and everyone has to complete to task before 6pm. From what I observed on that day, from 3-6pm there are not much people in the area. From the area we visited, the shop are more on retail than restaurant. What I realized,  most of the people they are more preferably gather or having meal in the mamak. *the weather is extremely hot!*

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Wardrobe detailing drawing

For this week task we are going to draw the details of a wardrobe. I picked my own wardrobe and for this task I find it quite easy. As I am able to produce one page of drawings with an actual photo of my wardrobe. However, I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly but I fully understand how is the wardrobe been built and how it's been installed. It's a built-in cabinet and floor to ceiling height.

Photo of my wardrobe

My sketch 
3D view blow up, height level ans specifications.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Week 4

This week class we were having lecture on measured drawing. It's actually quite to catch up in this subject as it is very tough. Every single details of the furniture we have to know. However with the help of lecturers I'll try my best to understand as much as I can. So after the lecture conducted, our lecturer test us on detail drawing of a drawer stopper in section view.

There are two drawings simply because for the first one, the top part of the cabinet is not align with the drawer. Hence, I went back and redrew and I got it right at the second time.

Loose furniture

As we were given a week to finish the loose furniture detail drawing and upload it to times and blog before the class conducted. In fact, this is a group task and the person who is going to present the drawing will be drawing and posting. However, our group divided the task. One person drawing, another person think of the specifications, one person present and the other one upload to times and blog. Although this task is supposed to draw by the person who is going to present, our group members decided to draw together in our sketch book as our own reference and journal.

This is the drawing our group produced.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Class activity 2- Built in furniture

For today class exercise we were doing built-in furniture. It's was so tough that I ever though. As every single details we are not allowed to miss out and we have to do a lot of indications. We work in a group and spent almost 2 hrs in just drawing plan, elevation, section and blow up drawings. We divided our work and each of the group members have their own job. In that way, we work faster. However we did not manage to submit so our lecturer extended the time until tonight. In fact, we are given 1.5 hours to finish and upload it to blog. Actually we were given two tasks where the other one is assembly drawing. We did not manage to do in the class so we do it at home and upload it to blog before Wednesday. So, for this built in furniture drawings will be presented next week and I am going to present on behalf of my group members.

 This is the built in furniture that we chose. It's a bar counter in one of my group member's house.

The drawings. 


Front Elevation 


Blow up

Monday, April 6, 2015

Task 1- Observation

As I mention about the furniture sketching in the previous page, each one of us have to produce sketches with detail drawings specifications. So, there is plan, elevation, section and blow up in the drawings. We are allowed to use only artline pens to sketch; no ruler, no pencil. So here's mine! I'm trying my best to do well but I don't know if I'm doing it correctly. :( Hopefully it's correct. 

Loose furniture that we are going to draw.

Class activity 1- Loose furniture

How is everyone doing today? Well, for me I have a busy and happy day. Our class is having IDP  2 first presentation . Thank god the presentation went super well and I got very good feedback from my lecturers. Anyway, back to detailing and working drawings we are assigned into a group of 4 and sketch a selected furniture. We were given 15 minutes to do the sketching then we have to presentation after that.  So our group selected a desk. Ohh btw, we were tested after lecture is given.

Title block

 Observing the desk 

 Sketches to be presented 

While the group members were presenting their sketches we were actually helping each other to look out what is the mistake made so that we won't make the same mistake on the next sketches. Trying to be as perfect as possible. :)

A photo of 4 of us. Me, Vivian, Emily and Jocelyn

Week 1

So since we are using sketchbook, I am going to design my front cover with sketches. I love minnie mouse and the monogram represents my name. That monogram look so familiar? That's right, it was one of my artworks in foundation and till now I'm still using. 

That's all about that. Have a good day readers! :)


This is Suksian, a 21 years old girl who has been dreaming to be an outstanding interior architect since when I was young. I've been attending  years of experience is still not enough, however somehow it will still be able to help me in my course. Attending art classes since I was in primary 3 up to form 5 and I got a lot of achievements through out that 8 years. I've been participating in lots of different drawing competition, no matter its a minor or major  competition. Unfortunately I wont be able to show mt certificates here because all of them is in Brunei. I'm from Brunei, a country that is peaceful and harmony. It's been quite a long since I blog. The last time I blogged was in foundation, which is 2 years ago. If you read through previous my blog, which is, you will find out there are a lot of artworks that has been uploaded. Now, I am in Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Interior Architecture, Degree year 2, Semester 3. Yea, I know time flies, like super fast and next year we will have our internship. Anyways, back to our topic, for this Detailing and Working Drawings class we are asked to update our blog weekly as our e-portfolio. We have once a week for this class. We started our first class on the 25th March. So, what is needed for this class? Technical pens and a B5 sketch book only.

My family